BDS Software

Stellar System Thoughts - Page 4

To deal with these problems, let's do the following:

● Eliminate the grid and the red orbit lines, but leave a 1-pixel border around the outer edges of the canvas.

● Eliminate all the asteroids except Vesta, Juno, and Ceres; and renumber the list of planets..

● Adjust the solar and planet images to provide slightly improved visibility.

● Space out the image orbits a little more to provide for better definition..

Let's assemble this data in tabular form, as follows:

● PNum = Orbit Number beginning with closest to Star and ending with furthest from Star.

● PID = Planet Name or ID.

● PDia = Planetary Image Diameter, pixels*.

● PRad = Actual orbital image radius to use, pixels.

● PRate = Rotation in orbit, micro-radians per Earth Day

● PIPos = Position in orbit at an arbitrary t = 0, micro-radians.

● PIX = Position x-coordinate in orbit at an arbitrary t = 0, pixels**.

● PIY = Position y-coordinate in orbit at an arbitrary t = 0, pixels**.

1 Mercury 9 20 71424 636871
2 Venus 13 36 27963 4059461
3 Earth 13 52 17202 4220032
4 Mars 9 68 9146 3476870
5 Vesta 9 84 4140 720472
6 Juno 9 84 4140 2128429
7 Ceres 9 84 4140 4275708
8 Jupiter 17 116 1450 942303
9 Saturn 17 148 584 3618940
10 Uranus 13 204 204 89884
11 Neptune 13 260 104 5780007
12 Pluto 9 310 69 4852015

* The Sun's image diameter is 20 pixels.

** PIX and PIY are calculated as follows:

ri = PRad, pixels

θi = ((PIPos + (PRate * t)) / 1000000), radians

where "pixels" refers to the side-to-side (not the diagonal) dimension of the screen's pixels, and t is expressed in Earth Days. Also, we note a previous error in the calculations on Page 3 -- the divisor in the equation for θi should be 1000000, not 2000000.

And, we can then convert these polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates (xi, yi) as follows:

xi = (ri * cos(θi)), pixels

yi = -(ri * sin(θi)), pixels

where the pixel dimensions are relative to the center of the Solar System Image at (320, 320) in actual image coordinates. The unary minus sign in the equation for yi is provided to accomplish the counterclockwise rotation of the planets.


PIX = (mdjRound(xi) + 316), pixels

PIY = (mdjRound(yi) + 316), pixels

We use 316 for Mercury, Mars, Vesta, Juno, Ceres, and Pluto; we use 314 for Venus, Earth, Uranus, and Neptune; and we use 312 for Jupiter and Saturn.

And the result is:

Solar System Initial Positions

This is better, but perhaps it can be improved even further...

                                                                                                                                                                M.D.J. 2018/07/13