BDS Software

CF83 Development

Both CF83 and Reader are written in 6809 Assembly Language.

The following files are CoCo .dsk floppy disk images. Right-click then "Save-As" to download them to the location of your choice.

After loading them into your CoCo or emulator's floppy drive 0, you can do a DIR0 to list the files which are on the disk.

For your convenience, the directories are also presented as text files below.

Since these Development disks generally include a significant number of assembly language files (as well as BASIC files to combine a large number of small .BIN files into a smaller number of large .BIN files) all the .ASM and .BAS files for each set of disks are also provided below as a single .zip Listings file for the set.

Also see the New Software License.


1. The CF83 Primary Character Set

The character set is described more fully in the Primary Character Set PDF presented below. The ASM files were assembled onto the BIN disk using EDTASM. Then, MAKCS64M.BAS on the BIN disk was used to combine them into the CS64M.BIN file which constitutes the complete Character Set. (Originally, back in the 90's, I think I established the CS64M.BIN file in some other way - At least, I've been unable to find any CS64M.ASM file anywhere in my archives. The current CS64MA.ASM, CS64MB.ASM, CS64MC.ASM, and CS64MD.ASM files are 2018 reconstructions, established by disassembling CS64M.BIN.)
           ASM Disk      BIN Disk      ASM Directory - Text      BIN Directory - Text      CF83's Primary Character Set - PDF

2. The Standard Assembly Core

The Standard Assembly Core and Development Disk Sets are intended to be re-used as foundations for other programs besides CF83 (They are, for example, also used in the Reader system presented below.) The ASM files were assembled onto the BIN disk using EDTASM. CS64M.BIN, from the Character Set BIN disk, was also copied onto the Standard Assembly Core BIN disk. Then, CORE.BAS on the BIN disk was used to combine them into the CORE.BIN file.
           ASM Disk      BIN Disk      ASM Directory - Text      BIN Directory - Text     

3. The Standard Assembly Development

The ASM files were assembled onto the BIN disk using EDTASM. CORE.BIN, from the Standard Assembly Core BIN disk, was also copied onto the Standard Assembly Development BIN disk. Then, SACORE.BAS on the BIN disk was used to combine them into the SACORE.BIN file.
           ASM Disk      BIN Disk      ASM Directory - Text      BIN Directory - Text     

4. The CF83 Outer Interpreter

The ASM files were assembled onto the BIN disk using EDTASM.
           ASM Disk      BIN Disk      ASM Directory - Text      BIN Directory - Text     

5. The CF83 Core

The ASM files were assembled onto the BIN disk using EDTASM. All the files from the CF83 Outer Interpreter BIN disk were also copied onto the CF83 Core BIN Disk. SACORE.BIN, from the Standard Assembly Core BIN disk, was also copied onto the CF83 Core BIN disk. Then, MAKECF83.BAS on the BIN disk was used to combine them into the CF83.BIN file. On the main CF83-0 Forth Disk, CF83.BAS loads and execs CF83.BIN.
           ASM Disk      BIN Disk      ASM Directory - Text      BIN Directory - Text     

6. Reader

The ASM files were assembled onto the BIN disk using EDTASM. SACORE.BIN, from the Standard Assembly Core BIN disk, was also copied onto the Reader BIN disk. Then, READMAKE.BAS on the BIN disk was used to combine them into the READER.BIN file. On CF83 Disks which include instructions, READER.BAS loads and execs READER.BIN. The READXFER.BAS program transfers the Reader system onto blank disks. Due to a small error in READER.BIN, the READMOD disk was established to patch that error. READER.BIN was copied from the Reader BIN disk onto the READMOD disk. Then READMOD.BAS on that disk performed the patch.
           ASM Disk      BIN Disk      MOD Disk      ASM Directory - Text      BIN Directory - Text