BDS Software


My academic papers on various CoCo subjects are available here.


Malky's Warren: The First Training Quest, version 1.0.1
    built on top of The ML Foundation System
        Paper     The Game Disk         Cheat Sheet
        The Maze Maker Disk     Source Files Disk No.1     Source Files Disk No.2
        Binaries Disk No.1     Binaries Disk No.2

Bippi's Cave: The Second Training Quest, version 0.0.1
    (A Work in Progress) being built on top of
    The ML Foundation System
        Paper     The Game Disk         Cheat Sheet

Printer Operations Routines: For The ML Foundation System
        Paper     The Code (at $7300) Disk     The Code (at $7F00) Disk

Three Simple Little Tools: To Ease MLF False Disk Linear Sector Checking
        Paper     The Code Disk

Stack Engine: Preliminary Thoughts
        Paper     The Code Disk


Back To (Almost) Bare-Metal Programming, Version 0.0.2
    aka The ML Foundation System Core
        Paper     The Code Disk
        The Development Disk     Testing Disk No. 1     Testing Disk No. 2
        Cheat Sheet No. 1         Cheat Sheet No. 2

False Disk Routines for the ML Foundation System     Paper     Code Disk

Preliminary Graphics Control Routines for the ML Foundation System     Paper     Code Disk     The ROM PSET Unwound

Fake Text Routines for the ML Foundation System     Paper     Code Disk No. 1     Code Disk No. 2

Malky's Warren: The First Training Quest
    built on top of The ML Foundation System
        Paper     The Game Disk
        The Maze Maker Disk     Development Disk No.1     Development Disk No.2


Bible Quiz Mechanics :    Paper
                            The following scripts are NOT CoCo files - you will need Windows, Linux, or a Mac for these.
                            (You will also need WinZip or similar to open them).

Debugging Stage 1 of YACH - Problem 1: Commands Not Being Recognized :    Paper
                         Code Disks:     MC     CM
                         The Game Disk

Extended Disk Directory To Printer:    Paper    Code Disk

Minimally Invasive Trace, A:    Paper    Code Disk

MORE (Page-by-Page Text File Lister):    Paper    Code Disk

Multi-Platform Programming And My Hybrid Quiz Program Process :    Paper
                            The following scripts are NOT CoCo files - you will need Windows, Linux, or a Mac for these.
                            (You will also need WinZip or similar to open them).

Research Notes on Previously Initiated Projects:    Paper

Text File Reader:    Paper    Code Disk


64K Challenge, The:    Paper

Back To (Almost) Bare-Metal Programming:    Paper    System Code    Testing Code Disk

CoCo Magazines Database:    Paper    The Database

EDTASM and VCC: A Usage Note:    Paper

Key Codes and VIDRAM:    Paper    Code Disk

Question of Unravelled Terminology, A:    Paper    Code Disk

Towards a VCC Bundle:    Paper

Towards YACH (Yet Another Chess Handler) :    Paper
                         Code Disks:     MLF     FT     SM     GR     GC1     GC2     MC     CM     YS
                         The Game Disk


Benchmarking CF83 Forth:    Paper    The CF83 System